The Most Traumatizing Endings In Horror

By RodneyHatfieldJr for Movies

We have as a species like our stories to end with “And they all lived happily ever after”. Most everyone loves a happy ending, however, horror sometimes likes to switch it up. Horror has always been the one genre brave enough to buck the trend of tying up all loose ends into a nice little bow. When we sit down to watch a new movie, we don’t know what our feeling will be by the end credits. Which comes to our title, Reddit has a poll/selection of the most unhappily ever after endings to movies in horror.

What are crappy/bummer endings? A personal favorite horrible ending is The Mist. First I knew it wasn’t going to be like the novelette, few King adaptations are. So I was ready for somewhat of a retelling. Great movie, a solid story, impressive monsters, superior atmosphere; dog turd of an ending. I complained for an hour after watching it originally. But then I realized this is horror. The hero/heroine doesn’t always win. Then I could appreciate all the good things in the movie. The ending still sucks though.

Now to the Reddit list. I have to say I was surprised at a few titles. It is nice to see them make the cut. Remember, these are Reddit choices. With that being said, if you’re in the mood for absolutely ruining your holiday, I suggest watching a few of these titles.  Here are the horror movies with the darkest endings, according to Reddit:

Arlington Road

Eden Lake


The Butterfly Effect

Source Code

The Descent

The Mist

Funny Games

Wolf Creek

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

If you would like to read through the comments then head over to Reddit.

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